Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Members Of Parliament Agree To Postpone AES

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 31 (Bernama) -- Several members of parliament (MP) have agreed, at the urging of some parties, especially Umno Youth, that the implementation of the Automatic Enforcement System (AES) be postponed.
In fact, they are of the view that a comprehensive study be carried out before the system is implemented.
Kangar MP, Datuk Seri Mohd Radzi Sheikh Ahmad, said the AES was implemented without obtaining the views of the people and road safety experts.
"I agree with the government's efforts to reduce road accidents nationwide but the installation of AES should be located at appropriate places," he told Bernama at Parliament building here Wednesday.
Yesterday, Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin called on the government to postpone implementation of AES as there were too many weaknessess in its implementation plan.
Kinabatangan MP, Datuk Bung Moktar Radin, said the purpose of AES was to discipline road users but many did not know of its implementation.
"All of a sudden, they received summonses. The people are therefore, unhappy," said the Barisan Nasional Backbencher Club deputy chairman.
Pasir Mas MP Datuk Ibrahim Ali also welcomed the proposal to postpone AES and suggested a trial period for the system.
"I am proposing a six-month trial period as a process to educate the people and later, the Road Transport Department could put up a report on where the AES should be installed to effectively curb road accidents," he said.
Lenggong MP Datuk Shamsul Anuar Nasarah however, said he supported the government's effort to reduce road accidents as the total number of accident cases in the country was among the highest in the world.
He said the system was needed as it was proven that road users liked to beat the red light and speed.
Kubang Kerian MP Salehuddin Ayub said AES should be postponed as it was not a solution to reduce road accidents but more of a burden to consumers.
"All parties should raise their voices on the issue to ensure AES meets its objectives to solve road accidents, and not make the motorist a victim of ineffective enforcement," he said.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Petroleum Discovery Off Pahang To Benefit All States

KUANTAN, Oct 30 (Bernama) -- The discovery of additional petroleum reserves at the offshore Bertam oil field located near Pahang, will not only benefit the state, but other states, as well.
Pahang Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob said, the announcement by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak that Pahang was expected to receive around RM100 million annually in royalty, would greatly impact its economy.
"The discovery will benefit Pahang and other states, as well. God willing, we will use the money to give development to the people. (Therefore) I take this opportunity to thank the federal government," he told reporters after opening a state co-curriculum excellence ceremony organised by the Pahang Foundation here Tuesday.
Najib had announced today that Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd and Lundin Oil found additional oil reserves at the Bertam oil field located at Block PM 307.
The offshore oil field is located about 160km off Pahang at a depth of 76 metres.
Najib, who is also finance minister, said Pahang was expected to receive a royalty of about RM100 million a year, depending on the output estimate, when production began in the third-quarter of 2014.

Tiga versi hudud PAS... mana satu nak laksana?

Melihat satu keberanian luar biasa yang ditunjukkan oleh beberapa pemimpin Pas dan Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) yang berkumpul di hadapan Wisma MCA, Kuala Lumpur kerana membantah kenyataan Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek tentang hukum hudud.
Tetapi persoalannya kenapakah Pas dan pemimpin Melayu PKR hanya berani berhadapan dengan pemimpin MCA? Bagaimanakah dengan pemimpin DAP yang sejak dulu, kini dan selamanya membantah hukum hudud? Apakah kerana DAP adalah sekutu dalam pakatan pembangkang maka pemimpin parti itu tidak perlu diprotes jika mereka menentang hukum berkenaan?
Inilah sikap hipokrit pemimpin Pas dan pemimpin Melayu dalam PKR! Sepatutnya mereka bertanya kenapakah ada pemimpin bukan Islam yang berani memperlekehkan hukum hudud?
Tidakkah ia berlaku kerana sikap Pas yang gagal menjelaskan banyak kecelaruan terhadap hukum berkenaan sehinggalah ia dilihat bertentangan dengan apa yang ditetapkan oleh Allah SWT.
Sememangnya banyak perkara jika mahu dipersoalkan, tetapi penulis paparkan beberapa sahaja persoalan besar yang timbul terhadap isu hukum hudud Pas ini.
Persoalan utama yang perlu dijawab ialah berhubung wujud tiga versi tentang hukum hudud parti itu. Pertama, hudud Pas Kelantan yang dinamakan Enakmen Kanun Jenayah Syariah (II) 1993 mempunyai 72 fasal. Kedua, hudud Pas Terengganu yang dibentang di seminar pada 12 Mei 2002 bernama Draf Cadangan Undang-undang Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah (Hudud dan Qisas) Terengganu mempunyai 74 fasal. Dan ketiga, Rang Enakmen Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah (EKJS) (Hudud dan Qisas Terengganu yang mengandungi 67 fasal sahaja.
Oleh itu versi mana yang Pas hendak laksanakan? Tambahan pula ketika mula-mula isu hukum hudud ini diperkenalkan oleh Pas, terdapat perbezaan antara hukum hudud Pas Kelantan dan Pas Terengganu.
Pas Kelantan melalui Rang Undang-undang Kanun Jenayah Syariah (ii) 1993 Negeri Kelantan pada perkara (4) Bahagian 1 menetapkan hanya enam jenis kesalahan yang perlu dihukum dengan hukum hudud iaitu zina, qazaf (tuduh zina tanpa bukti), mencuri, minum arak, murtad dan merompak.
Bagaimanapun Pas Terengganu pula menetapkan tujuh kesalahan dengan memasukkan bughah (derhaka). Apabila dikritik kerana terdapat perbezaan antara kedua-dua Pas itu, maka Pas Terengganu menggugurkan bughah.
Selain itu hudud yang hendak dikemukakan oleh Pas boleh berubah-ubah dan ini terbukti dalam Seksyen 9 dalam hudud Pas Terengganu yang dianggap menzalimi wanita itu memperuntukkan bahawa: "Seseorang yang mengadu diri dirogol dengan tiada bukti yang nyata atau tiada sebarang qarinah (bukti yang kuat selain saksi) yang menyokong dakwaannya telah melakukan kesalahan qazaf (hukuman tuduhan zina yang dikenakan 80 kali sebatan)."
Tetapi selepas ditentang oleh pelbagai pertubuhan wanita termasuk wanita dalam Pas sendiri, maka parti itu pun meminda dan mengubahsuai Seksyen 9 dengan ditambah subseksyen 2 kepadanya. Subseksyen 2 itu memperuntukkan:
''Aduan oleh seorang perempuan yang dia dirogol oleh orang tertentu tanpa berupaya membawa saksi yang disyaratkan tetapi ada qarinahnya, hendaklah disiasat dan jika syarat-syarat yang dikehendaki syarak tidak dipenuhi untuk menghukum pesalah di bawah hukuman hudud dan sebaliknya ada cukup bukti yang tidak boleh disangkalkan dengan keterangan sama ada secara langsung atau tidak langsung yang menunjukkan pesalah telah melakukan persetubuhan ke atasnya dengan kekerasan dan tanpa kerelaannya maka pesalah itu hendaklah dihukum dengan hukuman takzir dan perempuan itu boleh dikatakan telah melakukan qazaf."
Pindaan dan pengubahsuaian itu hanya mampu menyebabkan wanita yang dirogol terlepas daripada hukuman qazaf (80 sebatan) jika dia membuat pengaduan bahawa dia dirogol dan tidak dapat membawa qarinah atau bukti yang kuat dan mencukupi selain daripada empat orang saksi. Bagaimanapun, pindaan dan pengubahsuaian tersebut belum memadai untuk menjadikan Seksyen 9 itu terbebas daripada kezaliman. Ini kerana subseksyen 2 hanya memperuntukkan hukuman takzir terhadap perogol.
Hukuman takzir adalah hukuman ringan yang tidak ditetap kadarnya secara muktamad oleh al-Quran.
Begitu juga dalam soal hukuman terhadap bukan Islam. Dalam soal ini bekas Setiausaha Dewan Ulama Pas Kelantan, Wan Ismail Wan Ahmad, 86, pernah mendedahkan pada awal tahun ini bahawa bahawa hukum hudud yang diperjuangkan Pas tidak lagi berlandaskan al-Quran dan hadis kerana ia telah dipinda pada 1993 susulan daripada kerjasama antara Pas, Semangat 46 (S46), DAP dan Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) pada Pilihan Raya Umum 1990.
Menurut beliau, pada Pilihan Raya Umum 1986, Mursyidul Am Pas, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat yang ketika itu Pesuruhjaya Pas Kelantan telah mengeluarkan manifesto antara lain pelaksanaan undang-undang Islam turut berkuat kuasa ke atas orang bukan Islam tetapi pindaan telah dibuat di mana hukuman hudud tidak akan dikenakan kepada masyarakat bukan Islam dan hudud kepada orang bukan Islam tidak termasuk dalam perkara yang dinaskan al-Quran dan hadis.
"Di sinilah bermula perbezaannya. Asalnya pada 1986 dalam muka surat lima manifesto dinyatakan iaitu menguatkuasakan undang-undang Islam di seluruh negeri dengan tidak meletakkan perbezaan atas sebab-sebab berlainan keturunan, bangsa, agama dan pangkat kecuali perkara berhubung dengan ibadat dan undang-undang kekeluargaan.
"Dalam muka surat 24 pula dinyatakan bahawa hak-hak orang bukan Islam sama sahaja di sisi undang-undang jenayah dan sivil dengan orang-orang Islam dan ini adalah hudud sebenar berlandaskan Islam,'' katanya.
Pas juga sehingga kini gagal memberikan penjelasan berhubung dakwaan Ahli Parlimen Kulim-Bandar Baharu, Datuk Zulkifli Noordin yang pada 20 Oktober 2011 membangkitkan persoalan Seksyen 14 Enakmen Jenayah Syariah, Qisas dan Takzir yang digazetkan pada 2004 berhubung hukum meliwat isteri.
Ketika membentangkan hujahnya dalam sidang Dewan Rakyat, Zulkifli berhujah, "Paling saya terperanjat, ada berbelas-belas kesilapan yang bercanggah dengan Islam tapi yang saya nak tunjuk, ini bukan datang dari syariat Islam. Contoh, berkaitan dengan liwat. Disebut dalam ini (enakmen) liwat ialah (dalam) Seksyen 14. Ini enakmen yang telah digazetkan.
"Tafsiran liwat (di dalam enakmen) ialah satu kesalahan yang merupakan persetubuhan di antara seorang lelaki dengan seorang lelaki... kita faham lah itu... atau di antara lelaki dengan seorang perempuan yang dilakukan di luar tabii iaitu melalui dubur. Yang saya terperanjat dia (hukum hudud) kata 'selain daripada isterinya'. Makna kata kalau seorang suami bersetubuh melalui dubur isteri itu (bermakna) tidak liwat dalam hudud Pas ini," kata Zulkifli.
Beliau juga mendedahkan di dalam enakmen itu berhubung pelantikan hakim yang turut membenarkan orang bukan Islam dilantik menjadi hakim bagi undang-undang hudud serta perkara berkaitan qazaf yang melibatkan empat saksi bagi zina di mana sekiranya salah seorang saksi menarik diri maka tiga lagi saksi boleh dihukum.
Itu belum lagi mengambil kira bagaimana Penasihat Agama Menteri Besar Terengganu, Mohd. Kamal Saidin menegaskan hukum hudud yang digubal kerajaan Pas Kelantan bertentangan dengan al-Quran dan hukum Allah.
Mohd. Kamal mengambil contoh bagaimana hukum hudud Pas menetapkan, had umur bagi 'Mukkalaf' atau akil baligh ialah 18 tahun ke atas sedangkan di dalam Islam, 'Mukkalaf' ini adalah pada usia 15 tahun ke atas.
Sebenarnya bagi lagi perkara berkaitan hukum hudud Pas yang dilihat bercanggah dengan hukum hudud yang ditetap oleh Allah SWT.
Atas sebab itulah, Pas seharusnya memberi tumpuan untuk memperbetulkan kelemahan dalam hukum hududnya dan bukan terus menuduh pihak lain menolak Islam.
Sebagai orang Islam tidak siapa pun yang menolak hukum hudud tetapi biarlah ia benar-benar hukum hudud yang ditetapkan oleh Allah SWT dan bukan diwujudkan demi kepentingan politik mana-mana pihak.-30/10/2012 -Utusan
Sumber:  Agendadaily

Super storm Sandy leaves chaos in New York

Updated: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 10:45:45 GMT | By Agence France-Presse
Super storm Sandy crippled downtown New York's transport network and power grid Tuesday after forcing a massive surge of seawater into the streets of lower Manhattan.
Super storm Sandy leaves chaos in New York
The storm -- declared a "major disaster" by President Barack Obama -- left at least one person dead in America's biggest city, while emergency services rescued many people trapped in their homes.
By early Tuesday the storm had weakened and moved inland, leaving large parts of the city swamped the city swamped and without power, as a massive blaze tore through more than 50 homes in the borough of Queens, according to firefighters.
The water flooded seven underground subway lines, putting them out of action, perhaps for some time.
"The New York City subway system is 108 years old, but it has never faced a disaster as devastating as what we experienced last night," said Joseph Lhota, chairman of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA).
"Hurricane Sandy wreaked havoc on our entire transportation system, in every borough and county of the region. It has brought down trees, ripped out power and inundated tunnels, rail yards and bus depots," he said.
On Monday, seawater burst the banks of the East and Hudson rivers, submerging road and subway tunnels. Power was cut to about 500,000 homes across New York City's five boroughs, including 250,000 in Manhattan.
Gale force winds pushed over a crane on a skyscraper and tore off the facade of another building.
A falling tree killed a man in Queens, firefighters said. Many people had to be rescued from the upper floors of their homes after ignoring pleas to flee zones at risk from floods, officials said.
"I am seriously concerned for people's lives," Vincent Ignizio, a Staten Island councilor, said Monday. Police appealed for boats to stage rescues on Staten Island and at Coney Island in Brooklyn as the floods slowly receded.
Four other dead were reported in New York state outside the main city.
The hurricane whipped up a record storm surge of 13.7 feet (4.15 meters) and seawater inundated the key Queens Midtown and the Battery Park-Brooklyn tunnels which take traffic from Manhattan Island to nearby suburbs.
The water threatened to engulf the building site at the World Trade Center where the September 11, 2001 attacks took place.
Many cars in the financial district were swamped, some in New York suburbs were swept away, and others were crushed by falling debris.
The Con Edison power company said 500,000 homes in New York City were without electricity. Company vice president John Miksad told reporters it could take a week to completely restore power.
He blamed floods or flying debris for an explosion at a sub-station on the east side of Manhattan's Midtown at the height of the storm. Film of the explosion has been widely viewed on YouTube.
Much of lower Manhattan was blacked out after the power plant explosion. New York University's Tisch hospital had to move 215 patients to other hospitals after it lost power and a back-up generator.
"We went up to 14 foot tides, which no-one was forecasting," Miksad said.
Howling winds of up to 95 miles (150 kilometers) an hour battered the city, pushing over a crane atop a 1,004 (306 meter) luxury apartment skyscraper overlooking Central Park.
The boom of the crane swayed in the fierce gusts and police evacuated surrounding buildings and streets because of the risk that it could fall.
In another spectacular demonstration of its power, the hurricane pulled off the facade of a three-story building in the Chelsea district. No injuries were reported, however.
Tens of thousands of people ignored appeals by the New York mayor to leave districts at risk where police had patrolled the streets calling for inhabitants to take special buses to safety.
Authorities issued a mandatory evacuation order for 375,000 people at risk, but the majority decided to brave it out.
New York state called up 2,100 National Guard troops on Sunday and Monday to patrol threatened districts.
"If water is coming into your home, go to the highest area," New York mayor Michael Bloomberg told a press conference during the worst of the storm.
Bloomberg said the public was making 10,000 emergency 911 calls every 30 minutes and appealed to New Yorkers to not just report power cuts. "It means that genuine emergencies are not being answered," he said.
He also called for taxis to stay off the roads to give priority to emergency vehicles.
The subway was to remain closed on Tuesday, along with schools and public buildings.
Source:  MSN

Monday, October 29, 2012

FGV Willing To Invest In Mindanao - Isa Samad

KUANTAN, Oct 29 (Bernama) -- Felda Global Ventures Holdings Bhd (FGV) is willing to invest in Mindanao, Philippines if the political situation in the region is really stable.
Felda chairman Tan Sri Mohd Isa Samad said FGV would send experts over there to make a study on the suitability of the soil and crops for cultivation.
"We have to wait as the situation there is not really stable. FGV will invest if the situation permits.
"It is among our plans to strengthen the FGV brand at global level," he told reporters after opening Felda Bukit Goh Community Transformation Roadshow here today.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak proposed that FGV invest in Mindanao to help the region's development after the signing of a peace framework agreement between the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) on October 15.
Apart from offering training and education, Najib hopes the establishment of the Joint Committee for the Advancement of Socio-Economic Aid to Filipino Muslims (JCASAMF) can develop segments like oil palm and rubber plantation, halal industry and infrastructure.
Good news good for investor.  This will creat Malaysian economy getting stronger. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Artifical Reefs Enrich Johor's Marine Heritage

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 25 (Bernama) -- A properly managed marine heritage and marine biodiversity that is well protected could help generate economic returns through tourism and fishing activities.

Based on the Marine Park Department's statistics, it is estimated that about 500,000 people visit Malaysia's marine parks annually.

Marine tourism activities could well provide additional income to locals and fishermen within marine parks.

The department is entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring the sustainability of marine biodiversity resources through regulation and enforcement, research, education and public awareness, habitat preservation, apart from keeping eco-tourism activities in check.

Currently, a total of 42 islands off the waters of Kedah, Terengganu, Pahang, Johor and the Federal Territory of Labuan have been gazetted as marine parks.


In the eastern waters of Johor, there are a total of 13 islands gazetted as marine parks; Pulau Harimau, Pulau Tengah, Pulau Mensirip, Pulau Goal, Pulau Tinggi, Pulau Besar, Pulau Hujung, Pulau Rawa, Pulau Mentinggi, Pulau Sibu, Pulau Sibu Hujung, Pulau Pemanggil and Pulau Aur.

Each island, including Pulau Besar that is located 42 nautical miles off Mersing, exudes its own profound uniqueness.

Pulau Besar, rich in green flora, is home to 25 families. The island boasts of a female village head, Rashidah Sulaiman, who took over the helm from her husband who passed away in 2010.

According to Rashidah, the island has three resorts and homestay programmes with the visitors' activities there centered on the marine park.

The beautiful white sandy beaches of the island, the placid atmosphere and the subtle sound of the waves provide the perfect atmosphere to relax.

Pulau Rawa that is located half an hour boat ride from Pulau Besar also draws visitors and it is surrounded by colourful reefs that is clearly visible through the crystal clear waters.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment recently took a group of media persons from Kuala Lumpur to witness the launch of Pulau Besar's Recreational Reef Project and to witness the beauty of Pulau Besar and Pulau Rawa marine parks.


On Oct 12, 2012 a symbolic launch was held to anchor 200 units of square concrete reefs at the bottom of the sea. A total of 20 of these artificial reefs, measuring one foot by two feet each, are to be laid underwater in the shape of a big square.

These artificial reefs cost RM100,000 in total and are to be anchored 3.2 nautical miles from Pulau Besar, outside the marine park zone under the demarcation set by the department and the Johor National Park Corporation where fishing activities are allowed.

The recreational reef project is meant to help improve the economic standing of the Pulau Besar residents and those from nearby islands and lure visitors for fishing activities.

Mersing District Officer Mohd Nasir Ali Abdul Salam noted at the event that the artificial reefs would also help enhance fishery resources and in turn help improve the lives of the local communities.

"It is my hope to see that this effort will be emulated by other related government departments in Johor to collectively develop the islands and their communities.

"The recreational reef programme is a follow-up to the working visit by the Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Tan Sri Joseph Kurup to Pulau Tinggi in 2011," he said.


Johor Marine Park department's director Mohd Nizam Ismail noted that the artificial reefs would serve as a habitat for fishes with commercial value and generate better income for the locals.

"Based on the department's earlier findings, it takes only a week for smaller fishes to take refuge under this reef. The bigger ones, including economically valuable varieties, take up to a month to make their way there.

"The reefs are a fundamental asset to marine life. Other than artificial structures, decommissioned boats too can be anchored onto the sea bed to enhance the marine heritage and to woo divers," he said.

Mohd Nizam added that the reefs would not only entice anglers but would also help fishermen improve their income with bigger catches.

On the progress of the recreational reef, Mohd Nizam explained that so far 50 per cent of the artificial reefs have been anchored to the bottom of the sea.


Mohd Nizam said that the need to preserve the reefs and marine life forms should be relayed to the society as caring for the environment is everyone's responsibility.

"It is hoped that when the significance of the reefs is appreciated, the community and private companies will show interest in sponsoring recreational projects in preserving and enriching the marine biodiversity heritage," he explained.

He added that the department needs the support of all parties for maintaining and preserving the Malaysian marine heritage for the future generation.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Iskandar Malaysia Created About 54,000 Jobs By End June

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 22 (Bernama) - The vibrant economic activity in Iskandar Malaysia region has created about 54,000 jobs in the targeted economic sector until end June 2012.

Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk S.K.Devamany told Dewan Rakyat here Monday, the electrical and electronic sub-sector recorded the highest number with 20,037 jobs.

"It was followed by education with 5,910, leisure and tourism with 3,965 and agro processing and food with 3,872," he said in reply to a question from Salahuddin Ayub (PAS-Kubang Kerian) on the project's spillover benefits to the low income group.

Devamany said the number of jobs created would increase after the completion of several key projects in five years such as Pinewood Iskandar Malaysia Studios, MSC Cyberport City and Urban and Resort Wellness.

The government had also set up Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) to coordinate development of Iskandar Malaysia.


Monday, October 22, 2012

Kg Merotai Besar Chosen For Pilot Project For "My Kampung My Future" Programme

TAWAU, Oct 19 (Bernama) -- The Kampung Merotai Besar has been chosen as the site for the launch of the 'My Kampung My Future' pilot project, a national project coordinated by the Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Ministry to encourage youths to remain in their villages and contribute towards their development.

Sabah's Federal Agriculture Marketing Authority (FAMA) director Ridin Wahid said in conjunction with the project's launch on Nov 2, a three-day carnival will be held and participated by some 30 government agencies and government-linked companies.

He added that it is hoped through the carnival, youth will be better informed of the opportunities available for them to stay in the villages and contribute towards their socio-economic development.

He said the village was chosen as it met all the requirements such as its location, basic infrastructure, arable land and traditional values.

Furthermore, the village currently has 30 per cent of its youths actively involved in various economic activity such as small and medium industry, shrimps and mushroom farming and the seaweed industry.


Friday, October 19, 2012

Apek Mahu Tinggal Kelantan, Penipuan Oleh Juak-Juak PAS

Sejak Persatuan Bola Sepak Kelantan (KAFA) diterajui oleh Tan Sri Annuar Haji Musa, pasukan bola sepak Kelantan ataupun terkenal dengan jolokan nama The Red Warrior (TRW) semakin melangkah ke depan dan telah berubah dari cuma sebuah pasukan kerdil kini dikenali sebagai gergasi bola sepak yang digeruni.

Hakikat kehadiran Annuar Musa sebagai faktor merintis kebangkitan pasukan bola sepak Kelantan sukar dinafikan oleh sesiapa, bukti terpampang di depan mata dek kerana hasil daya usaha dan kesungguhan beliaulah buat pertama kalinya Kelantan berjaya meraih Piala Malaysia pada tahun 2010.

Kejayaan tersebut terlalu manis untuk dikenang dan amat bermakna bagi seluruh rakyat Kelantan. Kesannya begitu terasa hinggakan saban hari di mana-mana sahaja perihal kehebatan pasukan negeri menjuarai Piala Malaysia diperkatakan oleh orang Kelantan.

Disebalik keghairahan rakyat Kelantan meraikan kejayaan sungguh bermakna itu, satu perkara yang tak dijangka, rupa-rupanya ia turut memberi kesan positif kepada kempen Pilihanraya Kecil DUN Galas yang kemudiannya dimenangi oleh BN dengan majoriti 1,190 undi mengalahkan calon PAS.

Walhal hasil dari beberapa kajian, analisis dan culaan trend kecondongan pengundi pada awalnya menjangkakan kemenangan berpihak pada BN dengan hanya kelebihan majoriti kecil sekitar 400 hingga 600 undi sahaja.

Jelas sekali penambahan ketara sokongan untuk BN itu sebenarnya juga merupakan tanda penghargaan dari sebahagian besar rakyat Kelantan kepada Annuar Musa selaku pemimpin UMNO yang terbukti jasanya dalam mengangkat martabat bola sepak negeri.

Sementara itu dalam perkembangan berkaitan, kebenaran disebalik kehangatan isu perpindahan penjaga gol Kelantan, Khairul Fahmi Che Mat yang kononnya melibatkan kontrak bernilai RM3 juta, hakikatnya hanyalah sebahagian usaha politik tipu daya oleh pihak berkepntingan untuk menjejaskan prestasi bola sepak Kelantan.

Berita angin itu sebetulnya berniat jahat untuk mengganggu tumpuan penjaga gol itu di saat menjelangnya perlawanan akhir Piala Malaysia 2012 yang dijadualkan berlangsung Sabtu ini di antara Kelantan dengan ATM di Stadium Shah Alam, Selangor.

Sebagai benteng terakhir pasukan, peranan Khairul Fahmi ataupun lebih dikenali sebagai Apek cukup penting dalam mempertahankan gawang gol dari ditembusi pihak lawan.

Ada pihak yang mengharapkan dapat mengganggu konsenstrasi Apek dengan menyebarkan berita sebegitu kepada media dengan demikian konon prestasi Apek akan merosot dan gawang mudah ditembusi.

Selanjutnya menjangkakan sekiranya kelemahan tersebut berjaya mencelarukan keseluruhan pasukan Kelantan dan tewas di tangan ATM, maka kesan negatifnya akan terpalit pada Annuar Musa.

Salah seorang dari pihak yang terbabit menyebarkan khabar angin tersebut kepada media sememangnya sudah dikenalpasti mempunyai hubungan rapat dengan seorang juak PAS yang sebelum ini pernah terlibat secara langsung untuk menekan Annuar Musa turun dari jawatan Presiden KAFA.

Juak-juak PAS telah lama menyedari impak kebangkitan bola sepak Kelantan turut memberi kesan positif meningkatkan sokongan khalayak anak negeri kepada UMNO dan BN, berikutan itu telah membawa kepada inisiatif terdesak oleh beberapa juak-juak tersebut untuk menekan Annuar turun dari jawatan Presiden KAFA.

Tujuannya tidak lain dan tidak bukan, adalah untuk membolehkan jawatan Presiden KAFA diambil alih oleh Husam Musa yang merupakan Exco kanan Kerajaan PAS Kelantan. Dengan berbuat demikian, gerombolan beberapa juak-juak PAS negeri itu berpendapat akan memberi impak positif pula untuk PAS Kelantan.

Usaha tersebut tidak berjaya sebelum ini dan kesannya Kerajaan PAS Kelantan terpaksa meningkatkan kemesraannya dengan Annuar dan KAFA, setidak-tidaknya dengan cara itu Kerajaan PAS Kelantan berharap dapat menumpang nama di atas kebangkitan pasukan bola sepak kelantan.

Pun begitu, perangai hasad dengki orang Melayu Islam dalam PAS tidak pernah surut. Sudah menjadi tabiat semulajadi mereka, setiap kejayaan yang dikecapi oleh orang Melayu Islam lain khususnya melalui daya usaha pemimpin UMNO, sukar untuk mereka menerima hakikatnya.

Kali ini mereka menggunakan lagi taktik jahat untuk menambah tekanan bagi menjatuhkan imej Annuar melalui cubaan lebih berani dengan mengganggu tumpuan pasukan bola sepak negeri pula.

Kita harap para pemain terutama Apek sendiri dapat terus fokus dengan misi menggondol Piala Malaysia untuk kali kedua. Abaikan saja gossip liar sedemikian, pastikan harapan penyokong TRW dan rakyat Kelantan termakbul sekali.

Sumber:  Beruang Biru

Saman AES

Penglibatan Swasta Dalam Penguatkuasaan Saman AES Perlu Dihentikan.

Baca seterusnya di sini

Jika perkara-perkara yang menimbulkan prejudis rakyat elok sangat dielakkan, sebab parti pembangkang sememangnya suka perkara-perkara yang ada bukti untuk menjadi bahan kempen PRU 13.

Najib Urges Companies To Help Mould Malaysian World Motorcycling Champions

SEPANG, Oct 19 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has urged more corporate companies to join hands with Sepang International Circuit (SIC) in the quest to create world motorcycling champions among Malaysian riders.

Najib also congratulated SIC and its partners for their continuous efforts in developing talents in motorcycling and giving them opportunities to compete on the world stage.

"I'm made to understand that SIC has embarked on a second GP wildcard programme, adopting the same approach that helped transform (Muhammad) Zulfahmi (Khairuddin)," he said in his message contained in the Malaysian Motorcycle Grand Prix (GP) 2012 official programme book.

Najib said that as a product of an innovative GP wildcard programme in 2009, Zulfahmi had shown that despite a late start in the World Championship, he was able to match his more experienced and illustrious rivals from Europe.

The prime minister said this was further proven this year through Zulfahmi's fantastic performance in the current Moto3 world championship.

"Though yet to score a podium finish, the 21-year-old 'kampung boy' from Bukit Canggang, Banting had topped free practice sessions, started from the front row, recorded fastest laps during races, led races and has finished as high as fourth in his first season of the Moto3 World Championship," Najib said.

Najib said that since the MotoGP World Championship -- then called the World GP -- first came to Malaysian shores in 1991, the country had reaped massive benefits especially in terms of promoting the development of motorsports in Malaysia.

He said it had also generated interest among local fans, created new racing series and inspired young talents to dream of competing and becoming world champions.

"From our initial participation as wildcard riders at the Malaysian GP in the first nine years, Malaysia made a bold move by venturing into the 250cc world championship at the turn of the millennium through Petronas Sprinta Yamaha Team TVK and Shahrol Yuzy Ahmad Zaini," he said.

He noted that the team lasted three seasons in the World Series but the impact it made remained, especially in terms of instilling confidence among fellow Malaysians "that we have the talents to compete against the world's best".

Najib said that besides efforts in using the Malaysian Motorcycle GP as a platform to inspire young riders and develop the sport, he was happy that SIC was expanding the scope of the event further as a catalyst for business development by organising a Motorsports Business Forum.

"Having the forum is timely in view of the massive opportunities that are provided by the sport," he added.


Umno Sets Up Special Committee To Check Sabotage Of BN Electoral Candidates

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 19 (Bernama) -- The Umno Supreme Council decided to set up a special committee to monitor and take immediate action against any party member who betrays the party or sabotages Barisan Nasional (BN) electoral candidates, Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said.

Najib, who is the prime minister, said the committee would be chaired by Tan Sri Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen Tengku Ismail, who is also chairman of the party's disciplinary board.

"This special committee is a reflection of the party's desire for immediate firm action to be taken against any member who does anything detrimental to the party's interests," Najib said after chairing a meeting of the Supreme Council, here Friday.

He said the committee would comprise several Supreme Council members without vested interests besides the disciplinary board members and certain other quarters, in accordance with Article 10.15 and Article 20.3 of the Umno Constitution.

"We agreed that the definitions of sabotage and betrayal of the party be explained so that everyone understands clearly the action that can be taken under the articles," he said.

Najib explained that sabotage and betrayal included instigating action against the party besides misusing funds, such as not spending money for electoral purposes.

He said the action that could be taken against the offenders included suspension or expulsion from the party apart from other action subject to the articles in the party constitution.

"We also agreed to appoint a member in each division who can report to the committee, besides reporting directly to the headquarters and via online," he said.

Najib said the party had taken action against members for sabotaging and betraying the party.

"Action has been taken before this, but now we want to be firmer. Previously, the action was delayed, taking even months before the penalty was handed down. Now, we want the process to be expedited," he said.

On the Umno General Assembly scheduled for next month, Najib said the Supreme Council had approved three motions, on the economy, religion and education, and added that there would also be the debate on the president's policy speech.

"We have appointed the Supreme Council representatives for the Wanita Umno, Umno Youth and Puteri Umno assemblies," he said.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Penang State Government Discriminates Against Bumiputera

KEPALA BATAS, Oct 17 (Bernama) -- The action of the Penang state government in not spending the fund under the Bumiputera Housing Trust Account amounting to RM33.36 million is a discrimination against the Malays in the state.

The secretary of the Penang Umno Liaison Body, Datuk Azhar Ibrahim said such attitude also clearly showed that Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng did not care about the fate of the bumiputeras, especially the poor and homeless.

"The question now is why the money had been kept idle whereas it should have been utilised to build affordable and low-cost homes for bumiputeras in Penang.

"I regret the action of the state government led by the Chief Minister (Lim) in ignoring the wellbeing of the bumiputeras especially the Malays in the state," he told reporters after opening a seminar on entrepreneur development organised by the Penang Regional Development Authority (Perda).

He said this when commenting on the media report quoting the secretary of the Penang Malays Assembly Secretariat Mohd Nor Suhaili Jamali as saying that Lim should explain his action for not spending the RM33.36 million from the Bumiputera Housing Trust Account to build low-cost or affordable homes for the people.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

More Than 200 Local, Foreign Riders To Take Part In Kenyir Motocross

KUALA TERENGGANU, Oct 17 (Bernama) -- The Kenyir Motocross Challenge 2012 to be held on Sunday has attracted more than 200 local and foreign riders.

Tournament coordinator Mohd Faiq Mohd Abdul Majid said 30 riders from Singapore and four from Thailand were among those who have already confirmed their participation.

He said riders from Germany, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom are also expected to participate before the dateline.

Mohd Faiq who is also the Tasik Kenyir promotion and development division assistant manager said the annual event was part of efforts to promote tourism.

He said the challenge would see 11 categories involving 125cc/2 stroke and 250cc/4 stroke engines.


Malaysia National Park

I have tried the method the Professor and the glass... it work.  I just got the way my next pages would be “Malaysia National Park”. Let it start pieces by pieces.